Bonding with nature


Eco-therapy is a holistic approach to mental well-being that harnesses the healing power of nature.

 By immersing ourselves in natural settings, we can reduce stress, enhance emotional resilience, and cultivate a sense of purpose. Join us on a journey to discover the transformative benefits of connecting with nature for personal growth and healing.



Forest Therapy

This encourages individuals to immerse themselves in forest environments encouraging sensory engagement with the natural to reduce stress and enhance mental health.


Green Exercise

This involves physical activities conducted in natural environments, such as running, cycling, or yoga outdoors. The combination of exercise and nature has been shown to improve mood and overall well-being.



Focuses on the psychological relationship between humans and the environment promoting practices that foster a deeper connection to the natural world.

"Ecopsychology has been a transformative experience for me. By reconnecting with nature through the practices taught in this book, I've experienced a profound healing of my mind and spirit. The exercises helped me reduce my anxiety, boost my mood, and feel a renewed sense of purpose. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to improve their mental well-being while also nurturing their relationship with the natural world."


Elizabeth M


Joining our eco-therapy community offers individuals the opportunity to enhance their mental well-being through the transformative power of nature while connecting with like-minded individuals.

At Eco-Therapy Hub, our mission is to promote mental well-being through a deep connection with nature. We believe that nurturing our relationship with the environment is essential for emotional health.



Whether you’re curious about our activities, and how they are conducted? We are here to answer any questions.